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Master Transportation Plan


The Town of Bennett Master Transportation Plan (MTP) sets the foundation to support short- and long-term multimodal transportation improvement projects for the foreseeable future. This plan builds on the need identified in the recently updated Town of Bennett Comprehensive Plan (2021) to “…guide the Town’s policy development, and the delivery of services, prioritize transportation projects, outline opportunities, and generate a strategic action plan for the next ten years.”

Town of Bennett residents, employees and visitors traveling to and through the Town require a variety of transportation systems that enable them to visit the destinations they need and desire to go to including parks and trails, schools, work, health centers, shopping, and other social and community amenities. A safe, efficient and reliable multimodal transportation system is crucial for ensuring mobility and freedom of choice when choosing how and where to travel.

The MTP addresses the needs of all transportation modes, including driving, biking, walking, and future transit to accommodate existing needs and future growth and development anticipated in the Town of Bennett. The plan identifies transportation goals, policies, strategies, and priority investments for the future that respond to Town needs focused on current and projected housing, employment, and travel patterns. Overall, it provides a long-range transportation vision for the future to best serve system users and address increasing demands for travel in and around the Bennett community. Taking into consideration fiscal constraints and potential population and development adjustments as conditions change over time, this plan contains flexible and realistic recommendations and projects for the future that are necessary for the Town to transform its vision for the future into reality. 

Visit the Project Webpage Here

Master Transportation Plan Overview

Contact the Project Team

Phone: 720-587-2654