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Holiday Help Program


In 2020, the Town of Bennett started the Holiday Help program, transitioning from the Santa’s Sleigh program previously administered through the Adams County Sherriff’s Office and Victims Advocate Division. 
Holiday Help incorporates assistance in two areas:

  1. Sponsors and Sponsored Family Pairing (Formerly Santa’s Sleigh Program)

  2. Holiday Toy Drive and Distribution

Each of these program areas require funding and partnership to execute. The Town invites and incorporates partnership with other local agencies such Adams and Arapahoe Counties, and Bennett School District. Community partners and businesses are also invited to participate in support of the event, through funding, volunteering and collection and distribution activities. 

Sponsors and Sponsored Family Pairing (Formerly Santa’s Sleigh Program)

The sponsored family program continues the tradition of nominated families in need from school district partnership that allows a sponsored family to be matched with a sponsor who will purchase, wrap and drop off their donations for families to be distributed by the Town in a mainly anonymous form.  The sponsored family’s information is gathered by the school and families are contacted to accept program assistance. Each family is assigned a number and we gather basic information and contact info that is kept confidential. Each child’s first name is given to sponsors along with information for child needs such as clothing items (including sizes) and basic necessities, as well as fun toy and wish list items the child is hoping for. Sponsors shop for items, wrap and drop off the gifts, labeled with family number and child’s first name. The Town will distribute those items to the families on a designated date coordinated with the parent/guardian contact.

Holiday Toy Drive and Distribution

The Town also coordinates the donation of toys for distribution of them at the Town Hall on a Saturday in December. In 2024, this date will be Saturday, December 14th from 8-11am. In order to execute this event, the Town seeks toys in a variety of ways. First, at Town Hall and at partner locations, toy drives are held and donation boxes distributed. The Town also seeks financial donations so that Town Staff can also purchase additional toys. The toys are collected and gathered at Town Hall and then distributed at the event. The Town also uses volunteers to help with the distribution. This is a drive through event, where each car fills out a wish/information list, and shoppers fulfill the orders. The Town has also distributed limited food packages and grocery coupons simultaneously. 

Town Contacts

For information and to join the community partner meetings please contact:

Trish Stiles, Town Manager at 303-644-3249 ext. 1009

Danette Ruvalcaba, Finance Director at 303-644-3249 ext. 1021