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Town Budget

What is the Budget?

The budget is the financial plan for the Town of Bennett. It details planned operating and capital expenditures. The budget document includes the appropriated/proposed expenditures for a given year and the projected means of funding them. In addition, a long-range financial plan is developed using the prior year budget as the starting point.

The budget document serves as a policy instrument, financial planning tool, an operations guide, and a communications device.


Antelope Hills General Improvement District (the “District”) was created by Ordinance No. 383, Series 1999. General improvement districts are for the development and construction of infrastructure for the Antelope Hills subdivisions within the Town limits. These General Improvement District (GID) services are reported in the component unit funds for the Town of Bennett. The Town of Bennett uses fund accounting to ensure and demonstrate compliance with finance-related legal requirements.

2024 Antelope Hills GID Budget


Previous Year's Budgets