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Town of Bennett Receives Nearly $6 Million in Open Space Grants from Adams County

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The Town of Bennett is honored to announce the receipt of almost $6 million in open space grants from Adams County Open Space. 

These grants were awarded during the Adams County Board of Commissioners meeting on Tuesday, July 9, 2024 and will fund projects aimed at enhancing the Town's infrastructure and open spaces. The Town was awarded three significant grants: 

  1. Civic Center Park Phase III: Totaling $3,891,550.83, this grant will support the third phase of construction at Civic Center Park. This phase includes landscaping, additional concrete work, new bathrooms, paved parking areas and preparation for a second field.
  2. Purple Pipe Phase III: A $2,000,000 grant will facilitate the expansion of the purple pipe beltway. This phase will connect the recently expanded and relined storage lagoon, allowing for increased utilization of the system and further supporting the Town's reuse water initiatives. 
  3. Trupp Park Electrical Upgrades: The third grant, amounting to $25,000, is for essential electrical upgrades at Trupp Park. These upgrades will address necessary repairs to the existing electrical systems at the grandstand, bathrooms and picnic pavilion, ensuring these facilities are safe and functional for all visitors. 

“The Town would like to extend its heartfelt thanks to Adams County Open Space for this generous grant funding and support of Town vision,” said Mayor Whitney Oakley. “We look forward to the positive impact it will have on the Town’s infrastructure and open spaces.” 

These grants underscore the Town of Bennett's ongoing commitment to enhancing the quality of life for its residents through thoughtful development of natural and recreational resources. For more information on these and other town projects, please visit the Town of Bennett’s project website here

More information on the Adams County Open Space grants can be found here.