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Town of Bennett Board of Trustees Gives Direction to Research Amending IGA with Bennett Ranch Metropolitan District.

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The developer of Bennett Ranch has requested that the Town Board of Trustees consider a land condemnation in order to acquire a utility easement for their development. 

The Board of Trustees has provided direction to Town staff to begin drafting an amendment to the IGA between the Town of Bennett and the Bennett Ranch Metropolitan District. This amendment would update the District’s IGA to allow the developer to acquire a utility easement via condemnation under very specific circumstances. The land for the proposed easement will not be condemned without the approval and permission of the landowners. 

The easement acquired would only include the land needed to install utility lines. All of the utility work would be installed below ground and after the work is complete, the developer would restore the property to its original condition. 

The land on which the easement lies will not be condemned without the approval and permission of the landowner. 

At this time, Town of Bennett Board of Trustees has not yet taken any action on the IGA, rather, they have directed staff to move forward in drafting an amendment and follow up with the landowner approval.